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Infection Control in the Workplace

Understanding Infection Risks

In the workplace, various sectors face differing levels of infection risks. Medical environments, for instance, handle bodily fluids regularly, posing significant infection risks compared to typical office settings.

Common infections include Hepatitis, HIV, and other blood-borne diseases, alongside more routine illnesses like the common cold and flu.

Basic Principles of Infection Control

The fundamentals of infection control involve preventing contact with body fluids or blood:

  • Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Essential items include gloves to prevent direct contact with bodily fluids.
  • Maintaining Skin Integrity: Ensure any cuts or breaks in the skin are covered to prevent infection entry points, including protection for the eyes.
  • Hand Hygiene: Regular hand washing with soap or use of hand sanitizers helps to prevent infection transmission.
  • Adherence to Workplace Protocols: Follow specific workplace protocols for infection control and seek clarification from management if unsure.

Practical Measures for Infection Control

To safeguard against infections:

  • Always wear gloves when dealing with potentially infectious materials.
  • Keep hands clean through regular washing or use of sanitizers.
  • Observe strict hygiene practices to protect yourself and others.
  • Follow recommended workplace procedures for infection control.